Time sure does fly by. I am moving right along to 24 weeks pregnant tomorrow! I have now been feeling our baby moosette move regularly for a few weeks now I feel the movement most when I am relaxing at home, which is great since I am able to really enjoy all of her little kicks and turns. Of course I desperately want Pat to feel what is going on with our new little girl, and I have spent most nights holding his hand on my stomach. I think I have asked him plenty of times "Did you feel that?" and he hasn't.
Well, finally he was able to feel her move just the other night! Saturday night while we were watching tv in bed, he felt her move and we both could not be happier. I am so glad he gets to feel more since it has been such a long time of him only getting to hear what I am feeling. I love just sitting back with my hand on my stomach feeling her move, I could spend all night enjoying that.
Here is a pic from a little over 2 weeks ago. I was 21 weeks, 3 days at this point. I can't believe that I forgot to have a pic taken since then, so I will make sure to do that sometime this week.
Today was a great day for my pregnancy. I finally had my first appointment with my new insurance and I have a long one next week. I was also able to schedule the long ultrasound for this Wednesday so we will get to see our little girl in less then 2 days! I am so glad to finally have the chance to go through the pregnancy with great medical care, instead of worrying about when it will happen. It has been a long process, one that I have been working on since I was 6 weeks!
Some more exciting news came along this past weekend with some work started on her room. We ordered her crib on Saturday from Babies 'R Us and I cannot wait until it comes in! We are almost ready with a cleared out room so hopefully by the time it arrives we will be able to put it together and start setting everything up.
We are planning to decorate with some Winnie-the-Pooh themes, but not overly done. My mom and I found some inspiration from Martha Stewart Living magazine...
We are going to do the colorful leaves and make them in groups so that we can wash the fabric when it gets dusty. We will paint a tree that resembles the trees from the books. Here are the leaves all cut out in the fabric we chose.
And here is a rough idea of how the leaves will be randomly placed and then stitched down in groups. The groupings will be bigger, but I just wanted to put together a few so that the idea is out there. I can't wait to get started on the painting, and my mom is going to teach me the sewing part, which I am also excited about!
I can't wait until it is done! I hope you like it. Any ideas or advice will be greatly appreciated.