Thursday, September 23, 2010

Settled yet?

What do you know...another long gap in posts and I really don't have a big excuse for it. We have been safe and sound in California for over a month now and yet I have really been slacking on the whole blogging thing. I really will try to get better at it!

We have had quite a busy month or so. ( I guess that could be partly to blame!) After our successful drive across the country (post coming soon-need to get pictures from by bro), we started to get our house ready for the movers who were arriving about a week after we did. Luckily, my wonderful G-ma was able to help us go through all of the items she left behind in her house. She really is an amazing woman and so full of energy. I don't know what we would have done without her help and that extra push she always seems to give me.

Before all of our furniture arrived, we had a little welcome home celebration at my parents house with some close family and friends. It was such a great way to come home without having to worry about a bunch of people coming over. That was probably the first semi-relaxing day we had had since we officially started packing everything up a week before the move.

The beautiful welcome home cake created by my sister and mom!

My dad and Pat relaxing before the party

Then it was time for the movers... we really lucked out on this (thank god I had a wonderful co-worker whose husband happened to own a moving company-thank you Maggie!) The driver and helpers were wonderful and did a great job getting all of our belongings to our new home safe and sound. I think we only had one plastic bin that was slightly dented. Of course once they were done all the fun began!

Pat and I definitely have our priorities strait...our first goal was to get our tv set-up so we could watch movies while we unpacked! I think we watched about 4 movies back-to-back before we were close to having the kitchen ready. The rest of the family room wasn't too bad. Our bedroom took a little longer...lots of books and other little things to put away. Actually, we still haven't finished since we have tons of pictures and things to put up. That will probably be a work in progress for quite awhile.

All of this fit into the trunks of our two cars!

Most of our bedroom things

Watching "Step Brothers" while we unpacked!

I think overall it took us about 2 weeks to fully unpack (with some small stuff still left).

Found the perfect spot for our "Priscilla" painting! She is my great Aunt and a wonderful artist! (Those books will be in the community garage sale...all national geographic if anyone is interested)

Gizmo hiding and Tigger laying on top of her as we get all settled!

We really love our new home and can't wait to have visitors over. We are very fortunate that Pat's mom has already come out for a visit and we all had a great time! We can't wait to have her back as well as whomever would like to come with her. The post on our week together will come soon.

All in all we are very happy and excited for what is to come here in Escondido!

Here are a few pictures of some of the finished product from our new home:

Our master bath

Bedroom with some pics up

Other view of room...

I love my new kitchen!!!

Our mix and match family room

Our wedding party photo hanging over our fire place!